One-click & instant participation

No inserting credit cards every time. Receive donations at the speed of a single click.

Micro-donations to get conversions

No minimum amounts or credit card fees. Someone can say thanks with as little as one cent.

Learn what your users love

Figure out what your users are interacting with the most, and which pages they donate on.

Usage-based donations

Let your users donate per use of your product or page views. Set Mash up to maximize the experience.

Meme Donations

Nothing says it better than a trending meme. Represent your vibe with editable memes and get paid when they are used.

Get donations anywhere with Bitcoin native options

Use your lightning address to get P2P payments from users on social, add an LN-URL QR code so users can scan and contribute on your site or streams.

Get donations for a campaign or cause

Mash lets you collect money for any cause or campaign you believe in. Just set it up on your site and see the donations roll in.

Donate a cup of joe and more

Give your customers a chance to keep your appetite in check. They can buy you a coffee, slice of pizza, or anything else to keep you humming at full speed throughout he day.


Ask users to contribute per page view, or game-play. Let them support you as they engage. Match usage, enjoyment with support. They can even initiate on their own.

Boost button

Add a Boost button on your page and let your users send money per click.

Donation button

Donation buttons can be per page view, per play of a game, pre-set amounts, or a custom amount.

Customized designs

Explore and customize our pre-built monetization widgets and find what works best for you.

Personalized thank you messages

Connect with your supporters and express your gratitude beyond just a confirmation receipt .

Fun animations + easter eggs

Keep your supporters engaged with moments of magic.

Used on your site or on socials

Add donations and boosts to your website, web app, or social accounts with a QR code and Lightning Address.

Start earning today!

Get started